
Thanks, Wendy. Glad it resonated! Have a great weekend wherever you are.

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Glad this resonated, Wendy. As Ram Dass famously said, "We're all just walking each other home."

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You got it, Pamela. Hope it helps.

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This is helpful, David. I consider Tolle’s The Power of Now to be the most influential book I have ever read. I read it in the run-up to a crisis - divorce - and I was able to skate through the rough spots a bit more smoothly than I would have otherwise.

But you’re right; much of the “how” is missing. Thank you for providing that with some good examples and those four little words.

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I am grateful to you for this simple AND momentous gift today, David!

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Thanks, Susy! Hope it helps. Have a great one.

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David, This is a beautiful mini-practice for daily life. What helps me be present in the moment the most is practicing daily mindfulness meditation on the cushion (well, actually on the sofa). The more I do that, the more mindfulness naturally seeps into my day. But it also helps to have on-the-spot practices like the one you suggest. Thanks!

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Thanks, Sandra. Great hearing from you, post Medium!

I say we throw the whole kitchen sink at spiritual growth. Sometimes it’s just meditating. Sometimes it’s going to “Relax with what is.” Sometimes it’s doing our damndest to stay present after someone pisses us off. It’s all hands on deck.

Hope all is well in Hawaii.

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Yes, indeed, we need the whole kitchen sink! All is well in Hawaii at the moment. Nice to connect with you on Substack.

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This is so helpful! I especially like all your examples because they are so easy to relate to and easy to remember because they are mini-stories. I.e. the details—driving and seeing palm trees, the woman with 10 coupons. I’m glad you included the example of the positive experience because I do that a lot—get lost in my internal commentary rather than just being present.

🙏 RQ

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